Just Friends Dating Site

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  4. Just Looking For Friends Site

Our society has changed and evolved from how it used to be, and the Internet has played a major role in this.

When it comes to how we socialize, maintain friendships, and meet new people, our online world has transformed friendships. (More on how maintaining friendships has been affected in another blog post to come!)

Online Friendship Sites. How it works: Take the concept of online dating, make a few tweaks, and adjust the model for platonic friendship instead. Online friendship sites, (like FriendMatch!) take a proven model for meeting new people, and apply it to friends instead of romance. Similar to dating sites and apps, you fill out a profile online. 'I've heard great stories from friends about dating and meeting people online, but didn't believe in online dating this was until I met David. He didn't expect much from dating sites either but things completely changed when we met. Naturally, we got to know one another at a deeper level and discovered how perfect we were together.

Nowadays, especially thanks to the efforts of online dating, meeting someone online has become completely normalized.

From this, we have evolved to accepting a new type of relationship from the online world - making platonic friends online.

Here's our roundup of some of the latest ways to meet new friends online.

1. Online Friendship Sites

How it works: Take the concept of online dating, make a few tweaks, and adjust the model for platonic friendship instead.

Online friendship sites, (like FriendMatch!) take a proven model for meeting new people, and apply it to friends instead of romance.

Similar to dating sites and apps, you fill out a profile online first.

Just Friends Dating Site

Then you can browse profiles of other members, but instead of filtering by physical attributes, you will be filtering your search by other options such as location, age, hobbies, and interests.

To start a new friendship, just like with dating you must start by sending a message to those members you are interested in.

Besides FriendMatch, other friendship sites include BumbleBFF, Girlfriend Circles (women only), and Peanut.


  • Meet new people with confidence. Unlike any other methods in this article, you can confidently message members on these sites and apps, knowing that every member registered is looking to meet new friends.
  • Easy, familiar setup: Simply browse profiles and send messages to those who you think you might click with.
  • Low cost. Unlike dating sites, many friendship sites are much less expensive to use, if not free. (FriendMatch is free to use, with an upgraded option that lets you send more messages daily.)
  • With a dating site, once you have successfully met a match, you're done! But with friendship sites, there is no limit to how many friends you can make.
  • You can make new friends nearby, locally that you can meet in person, or you can make online-only friendships if you are just looking for someone to talk to.


  • Just like with online dating, you might not meet your bff instantly. It takes time and sometimes patience, sometimes many messages and meetups to find the person you will click with. But hang in there, because the right friend is worth the effort!
  • Just like any social network or dating network, you might be approached by people you are not interested in getting to know. You have the option to ignore these requests, respond with your non-interest, or block the members on most sites and apps.

2. Blogging

Nowadays, another way that some people are making new friendships online is through blogging!

How it works: Whether you are a blogger yourself, or a fan of someone else's blog, real friendships are made through blogging platforms.

There are thousands of blogs and bloggers out there to choose from, one for every interest. Many bloggers share information about their interests, or even their daily life. You might follow a blog because the blogger has many things in common with yourself, and you enjoy following their story.

Friendships can happen through blogs when you start connecting with each other, often through the comments section first.

In some cases, one blogger will comment frequently on a blog post, and sometimes through this, commonalities are found, and sometimes connections are formed. This leads to direct messaging, which leads to a deeper connection.

Some bloggers have different meet and greet events, where these friendships can move from online to offline, or sometimes some comments lead to other forms of messaging if a connection is made, which leads to friendship, either online only or offline.


  • When bloggers connect with each other, through their posts it can feel like you have already gotten to know each other, and already know which things you have in common.
  • Blogging can be deceptively lonely - while bloggers share highlights from their lives, being a blogger is still a unique position to hold that local friends and family will not always completley understand, so it can be really refreshing to meet with fellow bloggers who understand this way of life.


  • Unlike with friendship sites and apps, you can't always be certain that the blogger you love to follow is actually interested in meeting new friends, so it's best to build a friendship more slowly via this route.
  • If you don't have a blog yourself, it might be harder to connect with a blogger you feel would make a great friend for you, because even if you share details about yourself in supportive comments on their blog posts, the blogger might categorize you as a fan and not a friend.

3. Discussion Forums and Facebook Groups

Zero waste groups and forums, vegan groups, keto groups, professional groups, pregnancy and new mom groups - there is a niche online discussion forum or Facebook group for just about every hobby or interest out there!

How it works: Start by joining a group that matches up with your interests. Here, in this group, you will find and connect with other people who share the same interests as you. You don't need to jump into narrowing down a new friend right away, but start by just participating in the discussions. Eventually, you might find that you connect with some members really well, or have more things in common with them, or perhaps live nearby them.

There are two ways to find new friends from these groups:

1) Occasionally these groups will host offline meetups and events, when you attend you might just meet some new, like-minded friends.

2) You can also send a direct message to someone you feel you have a connection with, starting with a deeper conversation, and from there perhaps moving on to a platonic online friendship, or even meeting up for an offline, traditional friendship.


  • No need for searching profiles - you already have things in common with the people in these groups.
  • Hosted group events offline give you the chance to meet new friends.


  • Similar to the other methods in this article, you can't be certain that the people you would like to become friends with are actively seeking new friendships.
  • Group events and meetups can be intimidating to go to alone.

4. Instagram

Similar to blogging, friendships are now being formed right off Instagram! Through Instagram, people often share lots of information about themselves, their lifestyle, their goals. From this, you might start to feel like you know which people you have lots in common with, or which people you might like to get to know.


How it works: If you think someone you follow on Instagram would also make a nice addition to your social circle, start by getting to know them through Instagram. Leave comments on their posts, or reply to their Instagram stories.

You can take it step further by sending a direct message and introducing yourself. Slowly, over time and many messages, comments back and forth, you might start getting to know each other better. From here, you have the option to suggest meeting up sometime to hang out, or just keep it as an online friendship.


  • You can go slow with meeting new friends on Instagram - if you feel like the friend-chemistry isn't working, it's easy to back out.


  • No certainty that the person you know on Instagram is actually looking to make new friends.

5. Online Classifieds Sites

Remember, way before the Internet days, when people used to place romance ads in the newspaper classifieds? This is still happening!

How it works: Now people are usingCraigslist, Kijiji, Angie's List, even newspaper online classifieds in their search not just for romantic relationships, but for friendships! People are now posting ads that introduce themselves, and describe what kind of friends they are seeking, in a creative way to find new friends locally.


  • You can approach with confidence - those who are posting these ads are looking for new friendships.


  • Lots of scrolling - since online classifieds sites are not designed for friendship seeking, it's not easy to filter by things like age, gender, location, and interests, as you can with friendship websites and apps.

6. Meetup

Meetup has been around for awhile, and the concept is that groups of people host offline group encounters as a chance to go out, socialize, and meet new people.


  • No planning required, just show up!


  • Going out in a group style by yourself can be intimidating.
  • Not really designed for 1 on 1 friendships.

There you have it! Our list of some of the modern ways to find new friendship online.

Did we miss any ideas? Please share in the comments below!

Are you dating, or just hooking up? Have a look at the signs below to figure out if he just want you for the booty calls and late night hook-ups or if he’s actually into you.

He Takes You On Dates

He doesn’t just call you at six pm to tell you he’s coming over – he invites you out for dinner, takes you to the movies and hangs out with you in public. In other words, he’s taking you out for dates as he enjoys spending time with you outside the bedroom.

He Spends the Night

After getting hot and heavy with you he doesn’t just up and leave – he spends the night with you, or let you stay the night at his place. He might even make you breakfast or take you out for breakfast the next morning. Oh and he’s cuddly. Totally cuddly.

He Introduces You to His Friends

He doesn’t just spend time with you, he invites his friends to spend time with you as well. This is a clear sign he’s showing you off, unless you’re friends with benefits, because then, well, then you’re still just a friend…


Public displays of affection (PDA) come natural to the two of you. You don’t only kiss and hold hands behind closed doors, but when out in public too. If you bump into friends when out, he doesn’t suddenly jump away from you and start acting all weird either: he firmly holds you just as close as when you were alone.


He doesn’t just text you when he’s turned on – he texts you to say good morning, good night and all sorts of cute things in between. He’s sweet. And he can’t stop talking to you. A sure sign he’s into you.

He Shares His Feelings

He shares his feelings with you when something happens in his life. He calls you just to tell you he did well at something, or calls you to get your support when he’s had a shit day. He’s not just in it for the sex – he’s in it for the emotions too.

He Talks About the Future

If he randomly starts talking about vacations you could go on, or that Christmas market you should visit two months for now…well, he clearly sees you as a part of his life! And it’s also very clear that he wants to spend time with you and share experiences with you.

He’s Being Cute

Does he constantly compliment you? Buy you little gifts, or leave you cute notes? Does he want to cuddle you rather than leave bed? If he is becoming increasingly cute, as opposed to sexual, chances are he has feelings for you. Which means he wants to date you, even if he isn’t right now. Unless, of course, his life is in some sort of flux and he doesn’t want to date anyone right now, feelings, or no feelings.

Free Platonic Friendship Sites

He Pays the Bill

To be frank most men above a certain age (the age when they start making decent enough money) pay the bill, but they’re more likely to offer to pay it if it’s a date, as opposed to a friendly meet up.

He’s Being a Gentleman

Does he hold the door for you? Offer to carry your bags? Pull out the chair for you? Then in all likelihood he’s trying to impress you. And if you’re already hooking up, he doesn’t need to impress you to get you in bed, which means he’s impressing you for some other reason. Of course, some men are just like that, just as some men give one hundred compliments to everyone around on a daily basis, meaning nothing with it. However, if he’s being a gentleman it’s probably yet another sign that he’d want to date you, or already thinks he’s dating you.

He Isn’t Seeing Anyone Else

If he’s stopped using Tinder and Match, he doesn’t go on other dates and he doesn’t seem to be looking for other dates, then he might just think he’s dating you! Exclusively.

The only reason this might not be the case is if he’s insanely busy and doesn’t want to date. He just wants a friend with benefits, or he wants to hook up whenever he feels like it, as opposed to seeing someone regularly. In that case, even if you’re the only one, it’s not a sign he wants to date you.

He Sees You a Lot

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He doesn’t just see you once a week for sex, he plans to meet up with you in advance and you find yourself spending almost every night with him.

He Introduces You to His Family

If he takes you to meet his family and introduces you as his date…well, then he sees you as his date!

He Takes You on a Romantic Weekend Away

He doesn’t just take you to a hotel for sex, he plans a weekend he knows you’ll love. A sure fire sign that he cares about you.

He Reveals His Innermost Thoughts

He shares with you things he finds hard to share; things only a close friend would normally get to hear from him. Normally you don’t sit down and talk about deep, intimate, subjects with someone whom you’re just hooking up with.

So, if he’s doing late night talks with you where he reveals his innermost secrets, well, you mean more to him than a regular hook-up would. Unless, of course, it’s a once off after a bottle of wine…

He’s Jealous

When you go out together he prevents any other guy from getting near you. And if someone tries, it ruffles his feathers and he turns slightly green from jealousy.

On nights when you tell him you’re going out partying with the girls, or hanging out with other guys, he’s just a little bit too curious about what you’re going to do, or what you got up to. He may even try to convince you to come to his place afterwards, just to make sure that’s where you end the night…

He Shows You Off

If he starts parading you up and down the street, looking like he’s the proudest peacock around, then you know he wants to be seen with you by his side. As your date. You don’t usually show off people you randomly hook up with.

He Is Supportive

He wants to know how you did with that assignment at work and sends you encouraging messages before some ordeal or other you have to deal with. He may even show up to be by your side. Now that’s either serious friendship, or a serious crush.

He Doesn’t Mind Your Things Getting Mixed Up

You have a bottle of shampoo at his place and some wardrobe items. He’s claimed a drawer at your place to leave some of his clothes for when he stops by unplanned. By the looks of things you’re practically living at each other’s places.

He Calls You for Other Things Than Hook-Ups

He’s had a rough day and wants to see you, but he doesn’t want sex.

He calls you to talk about his new boss, instead of doing a booty call.

He comes round to your place to watch Netflix and cuddle, but isn’t in the mood for sex.

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Either you’re friends with benefits, or he’s into you in more ways than one.

Your Emotions Don’t Freak Him Out

A man who doesn’t want to get emotionally involved usually doesn’t like a display of emotions, be it over your bad day at work, or your problems with your family. He will freak at the sign of emotions because he doesn’t want you to have them for him.

If, on the other hand, he’s totally cool with you being all emotional about things, chances are he’ll be totally cool about you having emotions for him too.

Just Looking For Friends Site

If you can show him how much you care for him, call him to talk about anything, and snuggle up with him just because, chances are you’re dating, not just hooking up.

He Says Uncomfortable Things

If you’re way out of your mind when it comes to something and he sits you down to talk about it in a supportive manner, knowing full well that you might end up getting your feathers ruffled and not like him very much for it he cares. He cares because he’s willing to do something uncomfortable to make you see reason.