Plus Size Women Dating

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Dating. It’s hard. For everyone. But today, we are not talking about everyone, we are talking about dating as a curvy person. All day we see images of made-up models on advertisements and photoshopped and filtered selfies on our Instagram feeds. All of this can enforce ideas that we may be not be good looking enough to attract a mate! It can be especially nerve-racking when you are simply representing yourself with 5 pictures and 100-word dating bios! Curvier singles worry about what kind of pictures to put up, and how their date might react to their bodies in real life. And it’s not just big and beautiful ladies who worry about their looks! Guys feel the pressure too. There is a lot of pressure to be muscular and fit, amongst a host of other qualities. Compare a man and a woman’s dating app matches, and it’s clear that it’s a lot easier for women to find dates than it is for men!

After reading countless blog posts (usually written by men) on reasons to date a fat girl and 10 Tips for Dating Fat Girls, I concluded that many of these posts barbarize the plus-size woman.They. BBW Cupid Dating Service We have an active member base of thousands of BBW singles; so if you’re looking for long term relationships with plus size women, you’ve come to the right place.

The Challenges of Chubby Dating For Women

You don’t know his type.

You’ve lived in your body for many years, and you know there are men who admire women with a little or a lot more. But that does not mean it’s always easy to know which guys out there are into girls your type!

Plus Size Women Dating Average Size Men

When we already may feel really self-conscious it can be difficult to open up and let a guy know you are interested. Also, a lot of guys are not super open about enjoying chubby dating. They may feel pressure from their friend group or colleagues to date thin or skinny women.

Now, in my opinion, you should never date a guy who isn’t proud to show you off in public, but they may need a safe space to try and get to know plus-sized women, Especially if they are shy or not very social.

You Don’t Know What to Wear.

We all know sizes are limited for plus sized girls, it can be hard to find something to wear for a special date night when you really want to make a good impression. Girls in smaller sizes have tons of cute options to pick from before heading out for Friday night happy hour with a new boo. B

ig and beautiful women, well, the options can be limited. I suggest finding a couple of cute outfits well in advance of a date, ao and have a look in your closet totally prepared! Remember, that guy is there for YOU, not your dress.

It’s great to make a stunning first impression, but your smile and personality are the things he will really remember when he calls you up for date #2!

The Challenges of Dating as a Plus Sized Man

Having Your Masculinity Questioned.

Physical expectations of women is a common topic in society. But, men have a lot they need to live up to, too! Men are expected to be tall, strong, muscular, good at sports, and wealthy, don’t forget about the chiseled jawline!

But this is just not the reality for most men! Shout out to the internet for popularizing the word “dad bod”, a time when women all over the web expressed how much they really love a guy with, ahem, softer edges. I’m not quite sure the fellas want to be called curvy. The truth is, a lot of women could care less if their man as a gym body or looks like a pro athlete. Masculinity is not defined by muscles

Should You Talk About Weight?

Bigger guys dating cuvy girls might not be sure if they should bring weight up at all. Some people with some extra weight on them are the type that are always looking to drop a few pounds and get closer towards their goal weight.

Others are content being on the curvy side, and some people are just genetically bigger! It wil probably be important for a man to find a woman who has similiar views on living with or without the extra weight, or they could end up with some tension or resentment between the two of them.

You’ve Got Male – So Much of Dating is in The Inbox!

The world of dating is almost completely online these days. It’s considered inappropriate to flirt at work, no one wants to be that awkward neighbor, and more and more men are worried about bothering women in public.


Singles of all ages pretty much need to be on some kind of dating website app in order to have a chance at meeting someone new! There are thousands of online dating services, that’s right — thousands. There are the super common ones like Tinder, POF, OkCupid, and Bumble — but tons of other niche dating sites are showing up around the web as well.

So Where Should Big and Beautiful People Find Dates?

The most popular dating sites don’t have a ton of information about the person, and you rely mostly on pictures and a few blurbs to decide if you might want to give that person a chance.

Plus Size Women Dating

All of the options, with little to go off of, can feel really overwhelming for people who are looking for something meaningful. So, people turn to niche dating sites to be more specific and intentional with their dating. It can be hard to know which sites will actually have valuable members or members at all!

Check out some dating sites reviews before you pour too much time into a new app. Dating can be frustrating and disappointing enough as it is, it’s best to go in armed with knowledge and set your self up for success! Make sure you just get on the best plus size dating sites.

A lot of curvy women dating online are choosing to use curvy dating apps to connect them to the right men. Gone are the days of believing that men aren’t interested in “dating a fat girl”.

Where to Find Dating Sites For Plus Size Women and Men


So what kind of plus-sized dating websites are there out there? Well, you have a few different genres. There are “fat people dating sites”, which are meant to connect plus sized singles to one another. Some people choose to go to overweight dating sites because they want to date another hot curvy person just like themselves!

A lot of the websites out there seem geared toward big girls dating thinner guys, but don’t worry, there are dating sites for fat guys too. They are sometimes just named creatively, and often marketing as big women dating sites.

If you are looking for curves connect style dating sites, try WooPlus, which markets itself as a space for plus-sized women, but it is not just a fat dating site. Anyone is welcome to join WooPlus, but it is definitely a placed were dating a fat girl is seen as normal or even celebrated.

It’s a great place to get started whether you are a man or a woman. Another popular website is called Feabie, they call themselves a social network for fat admirers. On Feabie you might find more of the types who fetishize bigger men and women but not necessarily.

Focus on The Big Girls

There are also dating websites geared toward big girls dating men who may not share the same body type! There are men of all shapes and sizes who love hot curvy women, from the slightly chubby to a lot more to love.

Get your self on curvy women dating app so you know that all of your potential suiters will love the idea of dating you, curves and all! Some of the sites out there can also be a bit fetishy, like a curvy white women dating site.

Although it’s great when people know what they like we want to be careful not to date guys that full-on fetishize dating a fat girl. You don’t want a guy who will only love you for your body, just like you don’t want a guy who will date you despite your body (no! My boyfriend is not doing me a favor by “dating a fat girl”—puh-lease!).

Some of the most popular sites for big girls dating any sized guy have pretty obvious names such as BBWCUpid and MenWhoLikeBigWomen. On these kinds of websites, you will find no shortage of chubby to fat women dating all kinds of men!

Any Sites Just For Men?

There are not really any solid plus-sized dating websites exclusively marketed towards women looking for bigger guys. Men will have the best options being on an inclusive website that is geared towards bigger couples.

Plus size women dating free

Remember, dating for bigger people is not limited to big and beautiful dating sites! You can hop on any general or niche dating website or app and find the BBW of your dreams!

The most important thing about dating is to remember that there is a special someone out there that sees you exactly as their type! Ok! So now we know where to find sexy curvy singles online, it’s time to research some sites and get your profiles up!

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Hey! You do not have to reject her because she is plus size. There are better ways you can enjoy your date with her. Whether she is size 2 or size 24, there are chances that she will make the best date for you.

As a man, you should realize that a plus-size woman is just like every other woman that is out there. She wants to be loved, accepted for who she is, feel special, and feel confident.

That is why you need the confidence to make her realize how beautiful she is. There are several tips that will help you to enjoy your moments with her and to make her realize she is beautiful and truly accepted for the way she is.


  • 8 Tease but do not go overboard

First, you have to keep in mind what attracted her to you

Plus-size women are beautiful. For a girl to be attractive, it must be seen in the way she carries herself and how she takes care of herself. Whatever made you attracted to a plus-size woman the first time may be based on how she carries herself.

You have to keep this in mind. Do not make the mistake of deviating from what attracted you to her, and start making unnecessary comments about her eating or her size. This may not go well as she may begin to see it in a different way.

Plus Size Women Dating

Keep in mind the things that attracted you to her and compliment them regularly. Be careful not to make unnecessary comments about her eating or size as this can be taken the wrong way.

You have to focus on the things that attracted you to her, and be sure to compliment those things regularly. Reminding a woman why you see her as perfect can go a long way to boost her self confidence and promote joy in the relationship and it is not different for plus-size women.

Learn the art of communication

If you want to enjoy your date with a plus-size woman, then you need to learn the art of communication. If you do not talk to a woman, you will not know what they enjoy and what they want.

The same goes for plus-size women. She may prefer a certain type of cloth or a certain type of food. She may love a certain type of music and communicating with her to know what she loves and what she hates will make you enjoy dating her.

Do not limit your activities based on your perception of her size. Find out what she wants, where she loves going to, what she enjoys doing, and do them.

Do not let her size prevent you from taking her out to do the things that you both love doing. The fun of dating is knowing what your woman wants. and what makes her feel special and you will realize that this can only be achieved when you both communicate effectively.

Communication must be two-way

If you want to enjoy your date with a plus-size woman, then she should not be the only one talking in the relationship. Most people will think plus-size women love to talk but then this is not the case here.

You should be able to tell her what you like to do. You are dating her because you enjoy her, so in as much as you should know what she loves doing, she should as well know what you enjoy doing.

This will help you both choose activities that you enjoy. As you get to know these things, you both can streamline your activities to suit each other. You should be honest and also open to new experiences. If you see an event that looks like fun and you feel you both might enjoy it, then you should not hesitate to ask her.


Acknowledge her sexual expectations

One major area where women regardless of size would appreciate is the sexual aspect of a relationship. Yes, she is plus-size and she enjoys sex just like every other woman. All women want to feel like goddesses in the eyes of their men.

They want to feel good in bed as well as enjoy every bit of the moment. They come with sexual expectations and they expect you to keep up to it. You may not be responsible for her self-esteem but you are responsible for letting her know how attractive she is.

Never tease your plus sized girl if she is not willing to have sex for the night or try to shame her into doing so. Just accept that she is not in the mood for the night. You have found out what pleases her.

While some women may like foreplay, some may like cuddling while some may want deep penetrations. Ask her intimate questions and give it to her the way she likes it.

Do not insist on a particular sex position or try to cajole her into that sex position all because of her size. No! You have to discover what gives her pleasure.

As I said earlier, if there is effective communication between you and her, then you will get to know what each other wants. Learn to talk about different positions or methods that you want to try. Engage in sensual games as this will enhance the experience for both of you.

Know how to cope with conflicts

If you want to enjoy dating a plus-size woman, then you should be ready to know how to cope with conflicts. Never make the mistake of assuming that every fight that you go into with a plus-size woman has to do with her weight.

When two people engage in conflict, it is based on their experiences during the relationship. This is not a result of her size, so never try to insult her by bringing her size into your conflict. Do not try to “body shame” her if you are having a conflict. Learn to cope with conflict and be ready to settle whatever problems that you have with her as soon as possible.


Always listen to what she has to say. Every woman, whether small-sized or plus-size wants a man’s attention. If you want to enjoy your date with your plus sized partner, then you should always be ready and willing to hear what she has to say.

Listen to her and be willing to respond appropriately. If she has a problem, you should be willing to help her sort it out. This way, you will enjoy every moment of your date with her.

By listening to what she says and responding appropriately, you will show her how much you care about her. Being plus-size does not make her any different from a woman, therefore you should treat her like a queen if you must enjoy your date with her.

Know what to say and when

Having a discussion and communicating with your plus sized partner is good, but if you must, then you should know what to say and when to say it. Always put into consideration her size before you speak. No matter what you say to her, the reality is you are trying to help her overcome low self-esteem that may come from the society based on her size.

There are healthy and unhealthy ways of discussing with your plus sized partner and you should be mindful of this. She may come asking you certain questions that may require you to think before answering.

She may ask you questions to know if her outfit looks good. Here, you should not base your answer on her size but be straight forward to tell her what you like and what you do not like. She may also come with questions such as “am I getting fatter?” or “Do I look fatter than before?”. Be honest with her here. You like her for who she is and that is the most important thing.

Tease but do not go overboard

Do you have friends that tease you or your partner about her size? Then this has to stop. Enjoying your date with a plus-size woman means you need to stop your friends from making jokes about her size.

They may come to tease you about your choice of women but you have to ignore them. Do not let them bad mouth you or your date. Letting them make fun of your plus-size partner means that you do not support her and this can ruin your date.

Plus Size Women Dating Apps

Allowing them to offer nasty comments may make her start to feel insecure and this should never be accepted. Let your friends know that she is important to you and be ready to defend her always, whether she is there or not. If you want to enjoy your date, then you may have to go to the extent of staying away from some friends that are cruel. Be confident to show her how you feel.

Plus size women dating sites free

All these are the things you have to do to enjoy dating a plus-size woman. When you find love, then you should be glad that you found something worth it. It does not care about size and you should have this in mind when you are dating a plus-size woman.

Moreover, as a plus-size woman, you should be willing to play your own part to make your date interesting. While the man works to protect your interest, you should as well work to make yourself stand out for who you are.

There are some tips that will help you to keep going ahead in your relationship.

Plus Size Women Dating Sites

  1. You have to be proud of who you are. Being self-confident will help you go a long way in making your date the best. You have to eat the way you eat, speak the way you speak, dress the way you dress. You have to be yourself and do not pretend to be someone else
  2. Know your worth. Honor yourself since nobody is going to do it for you. Give yourself what you just deserve and be clear about what you want. If you know your worth, then this will help you boost your self-confidence.
  3. You should set goals for every relationship. Some women think they just have to go with the flow, but it is necessary that you set goals for yourself. Having goals will help you know what you want to achieve.
  4. You have to see the fun in what you are going into and you have to grab it. Dating is fun, and you should not prevent yourself from experiencing this fun because you are plus-size. That is not acceptable. Date for the fun of it and do the things that you love doing. Being plus-size will not prevent you from going to the places you love. If there is a food you love, eat it. If there is a cloth you love, wear it. This is how to give yourself the ultimate joy and satisfaction.
  5. Do you know that voice that tells you that you are too fat and not suitable for any man? That voice that tells you that you are ugly? That voice that tells you that no man would want to date you? This is the time to ignore that voice. Yes, you are plus-size and you would find the right and perfect date for you. Never give in to the voice that tells you to hide. If you hide, it will not make you feel better neither will it help you find dates. Learn to post photos of your full body shoot. Be proud of who you are.
  6. Do not waste your time with anyone who body shames you. Learn to ignore people and move on with your life. You need someone who will accept you for who you are and that is just who you are going to date. Date someone who loves you and encourages you about your health and diet. Date someone who you are attracted to. Do not force yourself to go out with someone you are not attracted to all because you think that is who society says you should be dating. Have an open mind and let the world know that your size is not a limitation

Everyone deserves to be loved and so are plus-size women. Follow these tips and be sure to have the best dating experience.

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